
I'm Gabriel Mares, Frontend developer and this is my personal site, here you can find repositories and demos about my jobs. At the bottom you will find my social networks and my resume. Also, if you want to be in touch with me, feel free to do so.

Examen PLD

All company who is working on the financial market in Mexico, should apply a test for all pleople who is part of his company and they should have evidence about the knowledge on AML (Anti money laundering).


The intention of this app, is add features that doesn't have in her own ERP. Might in the future, move on this app all features from his ERP. Also, on repo, you will find a link to backend who works with this app on intranet


This is a requests from CEO of Grameen de la Frontera, he need to get reports of projects and people who is involve in his projects
